The Province of Cadíz in the region of Andalucía, boasts some of the finest beaches and the most varied inland landscapes in Southern Spain. The province has a short stretch of Mediterranean coastline, but it is its Atlantic coastline, known as la Costa de la Luz – the coast of the light- which begins beyond Gibtaltar that offers the best of the beaches and the best opportunities for birdwatching. Almost the entire Cadíz coastline lies directly beneath the main bird migration routes to and from the African continent and is recognised as the prime area in Europe from which to watch migrating storks and raptors during the spring and autumn passage periods. The province also holds several very important lagoons and wetland areas, where resident and wintering wildfowl and waders, including over-wintering Common Cranes and Great Egrets can be found, mainly in the La Janda (Tarifa) area.

Much of the Alcornocales Natural Park also lies within the province and throughout its extensive range offers some of the best and most varied bird habitats in Europe.

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